ARC Joins MSPA in Washington to Advocate for Independent Contractors

ARC Joins MSPA in Washington to Advocate for Independent Contractors

As part of our overall commitment to the customer experience industry, last month, ARC joined MSPA Americas in Washington to advocate for independent contractors.

ARC’s Service Manager, Meghan Johnson, was among more than a dozen fellow MSPA Americas members who participated in the organization’s 2024 Legislative Fly-In in Washington, D.C. They met with Congressional legislative staff on critical matters affecting independent contractors and MSPA Member companies.

A primary objective was to gain support for protecting our industry’s use and categorizing independent contractors for fieldwork.

The discussion centered on the negative effect that the PRO Act, if passed, would have on our industry and independent contractors’ ability to work for themselves.

ARC Joins MSPA in Washington to Advocate for Independent Contractors- ARC’s Meghan Johnson (Middle row, second from right) with other members of the MSPA
ARC’s Meghan Johnson (Middle row, second from right) with other members of the MSPA

What is the PRO Act?

The PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act of 2021 — H.R. 842 — was introduced in 2021 by Representative Robert C. Scott. In addition to expanding “various labor protections related to employees’ rights to organize and collectively bargain in the workplace,” it would also revise the definitions of employee, supervisor, and employer.

Scott has 210 fellow Democrats and 3 Republicans who are cosponsors trying to pass this bill into law. It passed the House and has been in the Senate since March 2021.

MSPA Americas Legislative Fly-In

MSPA Americas has made its Legislative Fly-Ins an annual event for several consecutive years. Many members are now recognized by Congressional staff, who have applauded them for their consistent efforts to keep the organization’s agenda in front of them.

This year’s meetings were perfectly timed, as they were scheduled just one day before the United States Labor Secretary was scheduled to meet with Congress to discuss next year’s budget. 

ARC is one of only seven companies recognized as an MSPA Americas 2024 Elite Member. As such, we are proud to participate in the Legislative Fly-In and advocate for our industry.

To learn more about ARC’s commitment to the customer experience industry or to discuss how we can help you with CX management solutions for your contact center, use the convenient online form here or call 1-866-650-7596. If you prefer email, you can contact us at