The Top 10 Features You Need on Your Reporting Dashboard

Top 10 Features You Need on Your Reporting Dashboard

If you don’t have these top 10 features incorporated in your reporting dashboard, you’re working harder than you need to when evaluating agent performance.

Your quality reporting dashboard should help you work smarter, not harder.

What is a Quality Reporting Dashboard?

A quality reporting dashboard serves as the backbone of any effective contact center quality monitoring solution. It’s a centralized hub that provides real-time insights, comprehensive analytics, and actionable data to drive performance improvement and enhance customer satisfaction.

It puts all your quality monitoring data in one place and makes it easily accessible to you.

What are the Top 10 Features of Your Reporting Dashboard?

There are some key features that are indispensable for maximizing the effectiveness of your reporting dashboard. The top 10 of these essential reporting dashboard features are:

1. Customizable Views

You need to be able to tailor your reporting dashboard to meet the specific needs and preferences of different users as it relates to viewing data. For example, one person may prioritize a view of the overall center score average and trends, while another may want to see individual agent performance and comparative data front and center.

Customizable views, especially those with drill-down options, allow agents, supervisors, and managers to access relevant information quickly and efficiently.

Customizable Views Reporting Dashboard

2. Real-Time Reporting and Updating

You will stay ahead of the curve with real-time reporting capabilities that provide instant and actionable insights into ongoing operations. Dynamic reports populate instantly upon completion, ensuring consistent access to the most up-to-date data and metrics.

3. Automation

Streamline your workflow and reduce manual effort with automation features that eliminate repetitive tasks such as data collection, analysis, and report generation. You can also automate the distribution of data.

For example, with ARC’s reporting solution, email notifications containing links to reports and recordings can be sent automatically to preselected distribution groups as the reports are completed.

4. Reporting Format Options

You should always have the power to choose whether to view reports onscreen or download them in PDF format for offline analysis and sharing. ARC’s solution gives you that power with a single click right from your reporting dashboard.

5. Data View Flexibility

Users need the flexibility to manipulate and visualize data in various formats, including charts, graphs, and tables, to uncover meaningful trends and patterns. Each user should be able to see their most relevant data in the manner most useful to them.

A key component in data view flexibility is that both a) what data is viewed and b) how it is viewed are entirely customizable by each individual.​

Data View Flexibility Reporting Dashboard

6. Customizable Access

A great reporting dashboard allows you to grant each user customizable access rights based on their role, responsibilities, and information needs. You should be able to ensure that sensitive data is protected while providing relevant insights to authorized users.

7. Request for Attention

Leaders need a way to organize questions and follow-up action. The Request for Attention feature on ARC’s reporting dashboard allows questions to be easily asked and quickly addressed. Questions and requests are presented in an organized manner to keep them from being overlooked.

This feature facilitates efficient communication and follow-up by allowing users to flag specific issues or questions for further investigation or resolution.

8. Comparative Call Evaluation Performance

Sometimes, you need a side-by-side comparison of call evaluation performance across different dimensions — such as location, department, or period. With almost endless filter combinations and perspectives, you’re able to identify trends, outliers, and areas for improvement with this type of comparative analysis.

Comparative Call Evaluation Performance Reporting Dashboard

9. Performance Scorecard

It’s highly valuable to provide a holistic view of performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) through a comprehensive scorecard right on your reporting dashboard.  This allows you to track progress toward goals and objectives in real time.

10. Call Evaluation Question Summary

Drill down into the performance of individual agents and teams with detailed reports on call evaluation question performance. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and training needs to drive continuous improvement.

Performance Scorecard Reporting Dashboard
Performance Scorecard

Call Evaluation Question Summary Reporting Dashboard
Call Evaluation Question Summary

Additional Analytic Features to Consider for Your Reporting Dashboard

Other analytics you may want to view from your reporting dashboard include the following:

  • Trend Analysis: Identify long-term patterns and trends to anticipate future performance and customer needs.
  • Predictive Analytics: Leverage advanced analytics to forecast future outcomes and make data-driven decisions.
  • Speech Analytics: Analyze audio recordings of customer interactions to extract valuable insights and identify areas for improvement.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Gauge customer sentiment and emotions from interactions to enhance customer experience.

Use Your Quality Reporting Dashboard to Drive Continuous Improvement

By incorporating these top features into your reporting dashboard, you can unlock the full potential of your contact center quality monitoring solution.

Your quality reporting dashboard is your command center. With it, you can make informed, data-driven decisions and drive significant improvements in performance, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

We invite you to book a meeting with the experts at ARC to discuss these key reporting dashboard features in further detail and to get a glimpse of what a great reporting dashboard looks like.

To get in touch, use this form to book a call or you can reach us directly at 1-866-798-0488. If you prefer email, you can contact us at