Call Center Services

Call Center Services We Offer

At ARC, we're dedicated to delivering exceptional customer experience through our comprehensive call center services. Our offerings go beyond mere call center support; we specialize in CX optimization, quality monitoring, and call center coaching through ala carte services tailored to meet the unique needs of clients worldwide.

Explore our offerings below and find answers to frequently asked questions about our services.

Quality Program Assessment & Redesign

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Customer Experience Research

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Omni-Channel Quality

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In-Depth Competitive Benchmarking

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Human Verified AI Quality Assurance

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Contact Center Analytics Tools

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Third-Party Contact Center Monitoring

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Call Center Services Frequently Asked Questions

Providing every customer the same high-quality service experience is a top priority for any organization, but especially in industries where doing business means getting it right, every time.

How does a call center operate?

How does a call center operate
The call center is your base for customer service and a key element of your overall customer experience. Traditional call center agents help customers resolve their issues, requests, and/or complaints via telephone only. Through the advancement of technology and expectations of customers in the 2020s, call centers are now contact centers that utilize a more omnichannel approach that includes text, live chat, social media and other, more current, means of communication.

Contact centers are also multifaceted in that they often handle both inbound (where the customer reaches out in with an issue to be resolved) and outbound (where the agent contacts the customer) connections. One consistency across engagement is the agents will need to use a variety of software and other tools to manage the interaction and support the customer.

What are the key metrics used to measure call center performance?

What are the key metrics used to measure call center performance

Some of the key metrics and KPIs used to measure call center performance include:

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Average Speed of Answer
  • Average Handle Time
  • Average Waiting Time
  • Average Hold Time
  • First Response Time
  • First Contact Resolution
  • Call Abandonment Rate
  • Repeat Calls
  • Customer Retention Rate
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Quality Assurance score (QA)
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)
  • Agent Effort Score (AES)

There are other call center metrics that can be tracked and used to evaluate your call center’s performance. What you track should correlate with your specific business goals and objectives.

What are the best practices for improving call center efficiency?

how are service levels monitored in a call center

Improving call center efficiency starts with monitoring and analyzing agent performance. Quality Monitoring shows you what’s working and where there are opportunities for improvement. Additional Analytics Tools help you make sense of your tracked metrics and KPIs.

Once you have identified where you need to make improvements, you may need to update your call center SOPs or put new tools and processes in place. During this process you may need to also provide your agents with some additional call coaching and/or training as well as consider additional ways to motivate your agents.

Improving your call center efficiency isn’t a one-time task, it should be a continuing effort and priority.

How do call centers handle customer complaints?


How do call centers handle customer complaints
The specific things individual call centers do to handle customer complaints will vary depending on the nature of the business as well as the software and other tools provided. However, the soft skills of listening, empathy, patience, and creative problem solving are the foundation of every great call center.

In order to effectively handle customer complaints, your call center agents must combine knowledge of company products and procedures, practical skill with your call center/customer software and tools, and the soft skills required to be of service and provide the support a customer needs.

What are the emerging trends in call center technology?

Whats the best way to improve customer support through email and chat channels

Technology in general is evolving in exciting new ways, and call centers are not being left behind. Some of the emerging trends to watch out for include:

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Elevate Quality Monitoring — We take this a step further with Human Verified AI Quality Assurance; incorporating a human component to further support the AI to dramatically improve performance and productivity.

Omnichannel Integration — Today customers expect to be able to interact with a company using their communication channel of choice, whether that’s telephone, email, text messaging, chatbots, live chat, video, or even social media. Call center technology is evolving to make it easier to meet your customers where they want you to be.

Better Cloud Communication — Improvements in cloud-based technology for call centers give you more efficient ways for your agents to support customers in a remote work environment.

Customer Journey Mapping — Mapping the steps your customers take as they do business with you empowers your call center agents to provide an exceptional experience based on exactly where they are in the process. Doing Customer Experience Research into your customer journey can give you the data you need to set yourself apart from your competitors.

How much does Call Monitoring cost?

What is the best KPI for a call center

The pricing of call monitoring services can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the evaluation, the number of interactions to be assessed, and the level of detail required in the feedback.

It’s essential to consider the value gained from the insights provided by call monitoring in terms of improving customer service, refining processes, and enhancing overall business performance. Businesses can often customize call monitoring packages to align with their specific needs and budget constraints.

To find out about pricing for call monitoring for your company, contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

How do I improve upsells in a call center?

How do you handle customers in a call center

Improving upsells in a call center involves a combination of traininganalytics, and incentives.

Agents should be trained to understand customer needs and tailor upsell offers accordingly. Comprehensive product training also ensures agents can confidently convey the value of additional products or services.

Employing data analytics to identify upsell opportunities based on customer behavior and preferences is also beneficial.

In addition, incorporating incentives and promotions can motivate agents to actively pursue upselling opportunities.

Call Center Services Quality

Managing the customer experience (CX) is another aspect of contact center optimization. Providing an outstanding customer experience is how you not only build your company reputation, but also how you foster customer loyalty, improve retention, and increase repeat sales.

Customer Experience Management

How do I measure the effectiveness of a call center?

How do I measure the effectiveness of a call center

Measuring the effectiveness of a call center involves a combination of key performance indicators (KPIs) and customer satisfaction metrics. Customer support KPIs such as average handle time, first call resolution, and response time offer insights into operational efficiency. Metrics like customer satisfaction scores and net promoter scores, along with data from customer feedback surveys, provide a clear picture of the overall service quality.

Analyzing these metrics allows you to identify areas of potential improvement and track progress towards enhanced customer experiences and efficient call center operations.

How do I improve customer service?

How do I improve customer service

Improving customer service requires a holistic approach that involves both agent training and process refinement. Providing comprehensive training programs for call center representatives enhances their communication skills, empathy, and product knowledge. Implementing call center solutions like Telephone Mystery Shopping and Quality Monitoring processes allows for continuous assessment and feedback, helping your agents refine their interactions and improve customer relationships.

Utilizing advanced technologies like speech analytics can help uncover additional insights from customer interactions to identify trends and areas needing improvement. Regularly gathering customer feedback and actively addressing pain points helps tailor services to customer needs, ultimately leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Outsourcing solutions to train your customer service representatives and improve your customer service call center processes can be a cost-effective way to improve your overall customer service.

What industries typically use call center services?

What industries typically use call center services

Call center services find application across a wide range of industries, including (but not limited to):

  • telecommunications
  • e-commerce
  • healthcare
  • finance
  • hospitality

Any organization, regardless of their industry, that interacts with customers via phone calls or through digital channels can benefit from call center services.

Some companies may rely on call centers to simply act as an answering service for incoming calls, but that’s not all that a full-time, fully functioning call center can do. They can also provide seamless customer support, act as a help desk, troubleshoot issues, process orders, handle inquiries and appointment setting, provide technical support, follow up with customers, and ensure positive customer experiences to callers on both inbound and outbound calls.

How can a call center adapt to new market trends and changing customer preferences?

How can a call center adapt to new market trends and changing customer preferences

Adapting to new market trends and customer preferences is crucial for both outbound and inbound call centers. An essential part of this process is regularly analyzing data from customer interactions and keeping up to date with market research so you can identify those emerging trends and preferences.

Integrating omnichannel capabilities, such as social media, live chat, and messaging, can help accommodate customers who prefer diverse communication channels. Staying current with technological advancements like AI-powered chatbots and automation also ensures efficiency even after-hours when live agents aren’t always available.

Additionally, having the flexibility to scale operations during peak times and staying open to feedback allows call centers to promptly align with evolving customer demands..

What training programs do call center agents undergo to provide quality service?

What makes a great contact center agent

Call center agents undergo comprehensive training programs designed to equip them with the skills needed to provide quality customer care. These programs cover effective communication techniques, active listening, conflict resolution, and product knowledge.

The best call centers train their agents to handle diverse customer personalities and challenging situations with empathy and professionalism. Additionally, training often involves familiarization with call center software and technology infrastructure, including CRM systems and knowledge bases, enabling agents to provide accurate and timely solutions to customer queries.

Continuous learning and skill refinement are required to adapt to evolving customer needs and industry trends.

What are the three parts of Quality Assurance?

What is a Train-the-Trainer Program

Quality Assurance in a call center typically comprises three key components:

  • Call Monitoring: This involves supervisors, managers, or quality assurance specialists evaluating calls through recordings and using AI speech analytics tools to assess the agent’s adherence to scripts, policies, and overall communication skills.
  • Agent Feedback: After monitoring calls, providing constructive feedback to agents is crucial. This part of Quality Assurance involves coaching and mentoring agents based on their performance, helping them improve their skills and deliver better customer service.
  • Data Analysis: Quality Assurance isn’t just about call monitoring. It also involves analyzing data gathered from various sources, such as customer feedback, surveys, and performance metrics. This analysis helps identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities to enhance overall call center operations.

Mystery Shopping & Call Quality Monitoring

Evaluating your performance, as well as knowing what your competitors are doing, are important elements of contact center optimization. The data collected provides insights and gives direction on setting your company apart and maximizing your success.

Beautiful young business woman sitting at office desk and talking on cell phone

Does mystery shopping help customer service?


How to Improve Employee Engagement

Mystery shopping can help improve customer service by providing an unbiased evaluation of the customer experience. Trained mystery shoppers pose as actual customers and simulate real customer interactions such as asking questions or placing orders. This allows you to assess the quality of service your agents are delivering.

Mystery shopping identifies strengths and weaknesses in agent communication, problem-solving, and adherence to company standards. By pinpointing areas for improvement, mystery shopping helps you refine training programs, optimize processes, and ultimately elevate customer satisfaction.

Who can perform call quality monitoring?

who can perform call quality monitoring

Call quality monitoring involves assessing and evaluating the interactions between call center agents and customers. This task can be carried out by in-house quality assurance teams, third-party monitoring services, specialized software solutions, or, ideally, by a combination of these three.

For example, internal teams can focus on maintaining and improving service standards, while third-party quality monitoring offers an objective perspective from experts outside the organization. Advanced software tools utilize speech analytics and AI-driven algorithms to automatically assess calls, providing valuable insights into agent performance and compliance with quality standards.

How do you analyze call center data?

How do you analyze call center data?Analyzing call center data involves a multi-faceted approach. Initially, data is collected from call recordings, customer surveys, and operational metrics such as call volumes and wait times. Then advanced data analysis techniques, including statistical analysis and machine learning, are used to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations in customer behavior and agent performance.

The insights gained from this analysis can then inform data-driven decision-making, allowing call centers to identify areas of improvement, predict call volumes, optimize staffing levels, and enhance overall customer service quality.

What is the purpose of customer experience research?

How do you start a competitor analysisThe purpose of customer experience research is to understand, measure, and improve the interactions customers have with a business.

By collecting data through surveys, feedback analysis, and market research, organizations gain an understanding of customer preferences, pain points, and expectations. This research also can help identify gaps in service delivery, shape product offerings, and refine communication strategies to improve the customer experience.

By aligning products and services with customer needs, businesses can create positive experiences that foster loyalty, customer retention, and even advocacy with other potential customers.

How are service levels monitored in a call center?

how are service levels monitored in a call center

Service levels in a call center are monitored by tracking different key performance indicators (KPIs). Two primary metrics are “Average Speed of Answer” (ASA) and “Service Level.”

ASA tracks how quickly calls are answered, while Service Level shows the percentage of calls answered within a specified time frame. For example, a common service level goal might be to answer 80% of calls within 20 seconds.

Monitoring these metrics, along with others, helps call centers ensure that customers receive timely assistance and that staffing levels are optimized to meet call demand and maintain high service levels.

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Let's talk about your company's goals and needs!

Cheryl Thibault,
Founder of ARC