Competitor Analysis

Use Competitor Analysis to Drive Business Growth

Keeping track of how your competitor’s products and services compare to similar products and services provided by your own business allows you to identify gaps and opportunities for new products or enhanced product features – potentially including identifying new target customers or new markets. Similarly, analyzing your pricing compared to competitors’ pricing can more concisely direct value and pricing strategies that support business growth.

With the analytics tools and methods used in our Competitor Analysis Programs, our ultimate focus is on helping companies change for the better, not simply delivering data. We invite you to take the next step and contact us to learn more about how we can specifically help you.

Regular competitor analysis allows your business to do the following:

  • Measure customer satisfaction across the board — product, services, and interactions.
  • Identify industry trends in customer behaviors and needs.
  • Gain insights that impact product development, product offerings, strategic planning, sales strategies, marketing strategy, and more.

Book a Meeting

Let's talk about your company's goals and needs!

Cheryl Thibault,
Founder of ARC

eBook: 4 Ways to Transform &
Optimize Your Contact Center

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How Speech Analytics are changing CX
  • How to gain valuable insights that put you years ahead of your competitors
  • The keys to creating a thriving culture
  • How to improve customer experience and reduce lost revenue with omnichannel strategies
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eBook: 4 Ways to Transform & Optimize Your Contact Center
ARC has been a great partner and collaborator for our needs and if we need anything in the future or any of the other programs at my agency need anything like this, ARC will be the first I will recommend.
Sheena M Ammen Binder Director, Client Access - AllHealth Network
I am impressed with the quality of notes and their ability to capture the technical details properly in them – which is tricky given all the components and technical jargon our industry likes to throw around.
Ted Ekkars Polaris
I feel better now that I know the coach and know all the preparation they put into understanding our company. I feel like they are part of the team now. I was impressed with the fact that they have already profiled our coordinators and understand the best tactics to train them with.
Tom Southerland Neff Rental
ARC was very receptive to our needs from the very beginning and I could tell that they were going to be a pleasure to work with. Their references were excellent and their pricing was exceptional! They are open to new ideas and very creative – they really go the extra mile to help.
Jeff Wu Houston Methodist Hospital

Book an appointment with us to
discuss your goals and needs.